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Press Release - DUKSAN AETHERCT, Development of Type 4 Hydrogen Container for Transportation and Mobility

  • Name 관리자
  • Date 2024.09.30
  • Look 169
  • Files (첨부없음)

글로벌 수소산업의 최신 기술과 트렌드를 만날 수 있는 국내 최대 규모의 수소산업 전문 전시회 H2 MEET 2024가 25일 경기 고양시 킨텍스에서 열렸다. 참관객이 덕산에테르씨티의 고압가스용기를 살펴보고 있다. 이동근기자
H2 MEET 2024, the largest hydrogen industry exhibition in Korea, where you can meet the latest technologies and trends in the global hydrogen industry, was held at KINTEX, Goyang, Gyeonggi on the 25th. A visitor examines the high-pressure gas tubes of DUKSAN AETHERCT. Lee Dong Keun


DUKSAN AETHERCT will develop a Type 4 hydrogen container and target the hydrogen mobility and transportation and storage markets. Type 4 is a technology that uses a combination of carbon fiber and plastic to reduce weight and increase hydrogen storage capacity. 

DUKSAN AETHERCT unveiled its Type 25 hydrogen container at H2MEET held at KINTEX in Goyang, Gyeonggi-do, on the 4th. DUKSAN AETHERCT is the only company in Korea that produces Type 1 containers for transportation and storage, starting with the production of ultra-large containers in 1992.

In hydrogen containers, the types are divided according to the material. Type 1 is a method of making the interior and exterior of metal. Type 4, on the other hand, is made of carbon fiber on the outside and plastic on the inside. Because it is lightweight and pressure-flexible, it is easy to carry and transport a larger amount of hydrogen.

DUKSAN Group Chairman Lee Su-hoon said, "DS AETHERCT is unrivaled in the field of hydrogen containers for trailers, but there is still homework to be done to enter the vehicle market," adding, "We expect it to go well over time."



이수훈 덕산그룹 회장(왼쪽)과 위호선 덕산에테르씨티 대표가 25일 경기도 고양 킨텍스에서 열린 H2MEET의 부스 모빌리티용 수소용기 앞에서 기념촬영했다. (사진 = 김영호 기자)
DUKSAN Group Chairman Lee Su-hoon(left) and DUKSAN AETHERCT CEO Wee Ho Sun took a commemorative photo in front of a hydrogen container for mobility at the booth of H2MEET held at KINTEX in Goyang, Gyeonggi-do on the 25th. (Photo = Kim Young-ho)


DUKSAN AETHERCT plans to start mass production of Type 4 hydrogen containers for transportation from next year. In Korea, where travel distances are short, the need for long-distance transportation is low, so the existing Type 1 will be used, and Type 4 will mainly target overseas markets. In the mobility market, the market is expanded by buses and trucks. In the exhibition hall, a Type 4 hydrogen container for mobility with a diameter of 443 mm and a length of 1850 mm was introduced. It is a product that can store 7.2 kg of hydrogen gas at a working pressure of 700 bar (1 bar is 100,000 pascals).

An official of DUKSAN AETHERCT said, "We are planning to apply it to buses and freight vehicles as a product that we aim to mass-produce next year after completing certification last month," and added, "We are mass-producing containers that can store 1.5~2kg for cars and vans in Europe after certification last year, and we will expand the market through new products."

 Goyang (Gyeonggi) = Kim Young-ho


 - THE END -


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